If you have a Horizon View environment were you need assign a large number of users or have a high turn over rate in some of your pools you will not want to use the GUI to do this task. As we all know using the GUI takes a very long time to do this task.
Requirements needed to run this script:
Requirements needed to run this script:
- Horizon View Environment must be running version 7.0.2 or newer
- PowerCLI
- Advanced Functions (Hv.Helper) Module - (Download)
- Text file with user names to be added to the pool
1: # =========================================================================================================
2: #
3: # NAME: HorizonView_New_Entitlement.ps1
4: #
5: # AUTHOR: Troy Peters
6: #
7: # This will set a new user entitlement for a desktop pool
8: #
9: #
10: # =========================================================================================================
11: # ======================== Import Modules ========================
12: Get-Module -Name VMware.HV.Helper -ListAvailable | Import-Module -Force
13: Get-Module –Name VMware.*View –ListAvailable | Import-Module -Force
14: # ================================================================
15: # ======================== Set Variables ========================
16: $HVServerName = "vcs01.corp.local" #set to the horizon view connection server you want to use
17: $Domain = "@corp.local" #Set to the doamin name
18: # --- Get Horizon Pool you want to add user to ---
19: $PoolName = Read-Host "Enter the Pool name you want to assigne user to."
20: # ================================================================
21: # --- Connect to Horizon View and get prompted for credentials ---
22: Connect-HVServer -Server $HVServerName
23: # --- Load list of Users ---
24: $file = "C:\temp\Users.txt" #Text file only needs the user name in it
25: $Users = Get-Content $file
26: #Loop function to assigne each user in text file to desktop pool
27: ForEach ($User in $Users)
28: {
29: #Set Entitlement for user for one desktop pool
30: New-HVEntitlement -User ($User + $Domain) -ResourceName $PoolName -Confirm:$false
31: }
32: # --- Disconnect from Current Horizon Connection Server ---
33: Disconnect-HVServer -Server $HVServerName
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