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Showing posts from December, 2016

Display Size Fixes for Horizon View Desktop

High DPI screens: One case I have ran into is using a Surface Pro 4 or any device that has a high DPI monitor for that fact to connect to a Horizon View Desktop. You will find that all the icons and text are so small it is almost not possible to read. I have found 2 solutions to fix this issue Option 1: Use the display scaling option in VMware Horizon View Client Requirement: VMware Blast Extreme or PCoIP display protocol After you connect to the Virtual desktop you can select  options from the top menu then select display scaling menu item. or you can select Enable display scaling check box in the settings window for the remote application or desktop. Option 2: Editing Registry on the client system. Requirement: VMware Horizon View Client 3.4 and higher Add the following registry key: KEY: HKCU\SOFTWARE\VMware, inc.\VMware VDM\Client Value DWORD: EnableSessionDPIScaling = 1 A value of 1 = on A value of 0 = off Allowing users to adjust display size wi...